Access EO Data from the Cloud with Pangeo

Access EO Data from the Cloud with Pangeo#

Using a cloud provider for accessing data, and in this specific scenario Earth Observation data, could improve your productivity a lot. To get the most out of it, we will provide you some important insights.

Learning objectives#

  • In this lecture you will learn the usage and peculiarities of the main data operators commonly available on cloud platforms like:

    • Data loading

    • Filter

    • Apply

    • Reduce

    • Resample

    • Aggregate

  • Finally, you will be able to create a simple workflow with openEO.

The exercise will use the Pangeo ecosystem.

Raster Data Loading#

Exercise 2.3 Data Access Lazy Loading with Pangeo


Exercise 2.3 Data Access Apply with Pangeo


Exercise 2.3 Data Access Reduce with Pangeo


Exercise 2.3 Data Access Resample with Pangeo


Exercise 2.3 Data Access Aggregate with Pangeo