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3.2 Validation#

In this exercise, we focus on the validation of the results we have produced. In general, the accuracy of a satellite derived product is expressed by comparing it to in-situ measurements. Furthermore, we will compare the resuling snow cover time series to the runoff of the catchment to check the plausibility of the observed relationship.

The steps involved in this analysis:

  • Generate Datacube time-series of snowmap,

  • Load in-situ datasets: snow depth station measurements,

  • Pre-process and filter in-situ datasets to match area of interest,

  • Perform validation of snow-depth measurements,

  • Plausibility check with runoff of the catchment

More information on the openEO Python Client:

Start by creating the folders and data files needed to complete the exercise.

!cp -r $DATA_PATH/32_results/ $HOME/
!cp -r $DATA_PATH/32_data/ $HOME/
!cp -r $DATA_PATH/ $HOME/


import json
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import xarray as xr
import rioxarray as rio

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show

import geopandas as gpd
import leafmap.foliumap as leafmap

import openeo
from _32_cubes_utilities import ( calculate_sca,
/tmp/ipykernel_1286/ DeprecationWarning: 
Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0),
(to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries)
but was not found to be installed on your system.
If this would cause problems for you,
please provide us feedback at
  import pandas as pd


Connect to the Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem.

conn = openeo.connect('')


Authenticated using refresh token.
<Connection to '' with OidcBearerAuth>

Check if the login worked.


Region of Interest#

Load the Val Passiria Catchment, our region of interest. And plot it.

catchment_outline = gpd.read_file('32_data/catchment_outline.geojson')
center = (float(catchment_outline.centroid.y), float(catchment_outline.centroid.x))
m = leafmap.Map(center=center, zoom=10)
m.add_vector('32_data/catchment_outline.geojson', layer_name="catchment")

Generate Datacube of Snowmap#

We have prepared the workflow to generate the snow map as a python function calculate_sca(). The calculate_sca() is from _32_cubes_utilities and is used to reproduce the snow map process graph in openEO

bbox = catchment_outline.bounds.iloc[0]
temporal_extent = ["2018-02-01", "2018-06-30"]
snow_map_cloud_free = calculate_sca(conn, bbox, temporal_extent)

Load snow-station in-situ data#

Load the in-situ datasets, snow depth station measurements. They have been compiled in the ClirSnow project and are available here: Snow Cover in the European Alps with stations in our area of interest.

We have made the data available for you already. We can load it directly.

# load snow station datasets from zenodo::
station_df = pd.read_csv("32_data/data_daily_IT_BZ.csv")
station_df = station_df.assign(Date=station_df.apply(format_date, axis=1))
# the format_date function, from _32_cubes_utilities was used to stringify each Datetime object in the dataframe
# station_df.head()
# load additional metadata for acessing the station geometries
station_df_meta = pd.read_csv("32_data/meta_all.csv")
Provider Name Longitude Latitude Elevation HN_year_start HN_year_end HS_year_start HS_year_end
0 AT_HZB Absdorf 15.976667 48.401667 182.0 1970.0 2016.0 1970.0 2016.0
1 AT_HZB Ach_Burghausen 12.846389 48.148889 473.0 1990.0 2016.0 1990.0 2016.0
2 AT_HZB Admont 14.457222 47.567778 700.0 1970.0 2016.0 1970.0 2016.0
3 AT_HZB Afritz 13.795556 46.727500 715.0 1970.0 2016.0 1970.0 2016.0
4 AT_HZB Alberschwende 9.849167 47.458333 717.0 1982.0 2016.0 1982.0 2016.0

Pre-process and filter in-situ snow station measurements#

Filter Temporally#

Filter the in-situ datasets to match the snow-map time series using the function station_temporal_filter() from, which merges the station dataframe with additional metadata needed for the Lat/Long information and convert them to geometries

start_date = "2018-02-01"
end_date = "2018-06-30"

snow_stations = station_temporal_filter(station_daily_df = station_df, 
                                        station_meta_df = station_df_meta,
                                        start_date = start_date,
                                        end_date = end_date)
Provider Name Date HN HS HN_after_qc HS_after_qc HS_after_gapfill Longitude Latitude Elevation geometry
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Diga_di_Neves_Osservatore 2018-02-01 2.0 11.0 2.0 NaN 120.0 11.787089 46.941417 1860.0 POINT (11.78709 46.94142)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Maia_Alta_Osservatore 2018-02-01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.183234 46.657820 334.0 POINT (11.18323 46.65782)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Racines_di_Dentro_Osservatore 2018-02-01 1.0 57.0 1.0 57.0 57.0 11.317197 46.866026 1260.0 POINT (11.31720 46.86603)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Valles_osservatore 2018-02-01 0.0 43.0 0.0 43.0 43.0 11.630696 46.838655 1352.0 POINT (11.63070 46.83866)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Terento_Osservatore 2018-02-01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 11.793769 46.832116 1240.0 POINT (11.79377 46.83212)

Filter Spatially#

Filter the in-situ datasets into the catchment area of interest using station_spatial_filter() from

catchment_stations = station_spatial_filter(snow_stations, catchment_outline)
Provider Name HN HS HN_after_qc HS_after_qc HS_after_gapfill Longitude Latitude Elevation geometry
2018-02-01 IT_BZ S_Martino_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.227909 46.782682 588.0 POINT (11.22791 46.78268)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Rifiano_Beobachter 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.183607 46.705034 500.0 POINT (11.18361 46.70503)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 2.0 55.0 2.0 55.0 55.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 POINT (11.17697 46.82285)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ S_Leonardo_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 11.247126 46.809062 644.0 POINT (11.24713 46.80906)
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Scena_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.190831 46.689596 680.0 POINT (11.19083 46.68960)

Plot the filtered stations#

Visualize location of snow stations

print("There are", len(np.unique(catchment_stations.Name)), "unique stations within our catchment area of interest")
There are 5 unique stations within our catchment area of interest

Quick Hint: Remember the number of stations within the catchment for the final quiz exercise

Convert snow depth to snow presence#

The stations are measuring snow depth. We only need the binary information on the presence of snow (yes, no). We use the binarize_snow() function from to assign 0 for now snow and 1 for snow in the snow_presence column.

catchment_stations = catchment_stations.assign(snow_presence=catchment_stations.apply(binarize_snow, axis=1))
Provider Name HN HS HN_after_qc HS_after_qc HS_after_gapfill Longitude Latitude Elevation geometry snow_presence
2018-02-01 IT_BZ S_Martino_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.227909 46.782682 588.0 POINT (11.22791 46.78268) 0
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Rifiano_Beobachter 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.183607 46.705034 500.0 POINT (11.18361 46.70503) 0
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 2.0 55.0 2.0 55.0 55.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 POINT (11.17697 46.82285) 1
2018-02-01 IT_BZ S_Leonardo_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 11.247126 46.809062 644.0 POINT (11.24713 46.80906) 0
2018-02-01 IT_BZ Scena_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.190831 46.689596 680.0 POINT (11.19083 46.68960) 0

Save the pre-processed snow station measurements#

Save snow stations within catchment as GeoJSON

with open("32_results/catchment_stations.geojson", "w") as file:

Extract SCA from the data cube per station#

Prepare snow station data for usage in openEO#

Create a buffer of approximately 80 meters (0.00075 degrees) around snow stations and visualize them.

catchment_stations_gpd = gpd.read_file("32_results/catchment_stations.geojson")
mappy =leafmap.Map(center=center, zoom=16)
mappy.add_vector('32_data/catchment_outline.geojson', layer_name="catchment")
mappy.add_gdf(catchment_stations_gpd, layer_name="catchment_station")

catchment_stations_gpd["geometry"] = catchment_stations_gpd.geometry.buffer(0.00075)
mappy.add_gdf(catchment_stations_gpd, layer_name="catchment_station_buffer")

Convert the unique geometries to Feature Collection to be used in a openEO process.

catchment_stations_fc = json.loads(

Extract SCA from the data cube per station#

We exgtract the SCA value of our data cube at the buffered station locations. Therefore we use the process aggregate_spatial() with the aggregation method median(). This gives us the most common value in the buffer (snow or snowfree).

snowmap_per_station= snow_map_cloud_free.aggregate_spatial(catchment_stations_fc, reducer="median")

Create a batch job on the cloud platform. And start it.

snowmap_cloudfree_json = snowmap_per_station.save_result(format="JSON")
job = snowmap_cloudfree_json.create_job(title="snow_map")
0:00:00 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': send 'start'
0:00:14 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:00:19 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:00:25 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:00:34 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:00:44 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:00:56 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:01:11 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:01:38 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:02:02 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:02:34 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:03:11 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:03:58 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': running (progress N/A)
0:04:57 Job 'j-240215c46f6e4a899346de93a0f534cc': finished (progress N/A)

Check the status of the job. And download once it’s finished.

if job.status() == "finished":
    results = job.get_results()

Open the snow covered area time series extracted at the stations. We’ll have a look at it in a second.

with open("32_results/snowmap/timeseries.json","r") as file:
    snow_time_series = json.load(file)

Combine station measurements and the extracted SCA from our data cube#

The station measurements are daily and all of the stations are combined in one csv file. The extracted SCA values are in the best case six-daily (Sentinel-2 repeat rate) and also all stations are in one json file. We will need to join the the extracted SCA with the station measurements by station (and time (selecting the corresponding time steps)

Extract snow values from SCA extracted at the station location#

Let’s have a look at the data structure first

dates = [k.split("T")[0] for k in snow_time_series]
snow_val_smartino = [snow_time_series[k][0][0] for k in snow_time_series]
snow_val_rifiano = [snow_time_series[k][1][0] for k in snow_time_series]
snow_val_plata = [snow_time_series[k][2][0] for k in snow_time_series]
snow_val_sleonardo = [snow_time_series[k][3][0] for k in snow_time_series]
snow_val_scena = [snow_time_series[k][4][0] for k in snow_time_series]

Match in-situ measurements to dates in SCA#

Let’s have a look at the in-situ measurement data set.

id Provider Name HN HS HN_after_qc HS_after_qc HS_after_gapfill Longitude Latitude Elevation snow_presence geometry
198 2018-03-12 IT_BZ Scena_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.190831 46.689596 680.0 0 POLYGON ((11.19158 46.68960, 11.19158 46.68952...
13 2018-02-03 IT_BZ Scena_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.190831 46.689596 680.0 0 POLYGON ((11.19158 46.68960, 11.19158 46.68952...
615 2018-06-04 IT_BZ Rifiano_Beobachter 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.183607 46.705034 500.0 0 POLYGON ((11.18436 46.70503, 11.18435 46.70496...
731 2018-06-27 IT_BZ S_Leonardo_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 11.247126 46.809062 644.0 0 POLYGON ((11.24788 46.80906, 11.24787 46.80899...
37 2018-02-08 IT_BZ S_Martino_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.227909 46.782682 588.0 0 POLYGON ((11.22866 46.78268, 11.22866 46.78261...
441 2018-04-30 IT_BZ Scena_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.190831 46.689596 680.0 0 POLYGON ((11.19158 46.68960, 11.19158 46.68952...
691 2018-06-19 IT_BZ S_Leonardo_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 11.247126 46.809062 644.0 0 POLYGON ((11.24788 46.80906, 11.24787 46.80899...
614 2018-06-03 IT_BZ S_Martino_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.227909 46.782682 588.0 0 POLYGON ((11.22866 46.78268, 11.22866 46.78261...
747 2018-06-30 IT_BZ Rifiano_Beobachter 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.183607 46.705034 500.0 0 POLYGON ((11.18436 46.70503, 11.18435 46.70496...
524 2018-05-16 IT_BZ S_Martino_in_Passiria_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.227909 46.782682 588.0 0 POLYGON ((11.22866 46.78268, 11.22866 46.78261...

We are going to extract each station and keep only the dates that are available in the SCA results.

catchment_stations_gpd_smartino = catchment_stations_gpd.query("Name == 'S_Martino_in_Passiria_Osservatore'")
catchment_stations_gpd_smartino = catchment_stations_gpd_smartino[

catchment_stations_gpd_rifiano = catchment_stations_gpd.query("Name == 'Rifiano_Beobachter'")
catchment_stations_gpd_rifiano = catchment_stations_gpd_rifiano[

catchment_stations_gpd_plata = catchment_stations_gpd.query("Name == 'Plata_Osservatore'")
catchment_stations_gpd_plata = catchment_stations_gpd_plata[

catchment_stations_gpd_sleonardo = catchment_stations_gpd.query("Name == 'S_Leonardo_in_Passiria_Osservatore'")
catchment_stations_gpd_sleonardo = catchment_stations_gpd_sleonardo[

catchment_stations_gpd_scena = catchment_stations_gpd.query("Name == 'Scena_Osservatore'")
catchment_stations_gpd_scena = catchment_stations_gpd_scena[

Combine in-situ measurements with SCA results at the stations#

The in situ measurements and the SCA are combined into one data set per station. This will be the basis for the validation.

smartino_snow = assign_site_snow(catchment_stations_gpd_smartino, snow_val_smartino)
rifiano_snow = assign_site_snow(catchment_stations_gpd_rifiano, snow_val_rifiano)
plata_snow = assign_site_snow(catchment_stations_gpd_plata, snow_val_plata)
sleonardo_snow = assign_site_snow(catchment_stations_gpd_sleonardo, snow_val_sleonardo)
scena_snow = assign_site_snow(catchment_stations_gpd_scena, snow_val_scena)                                                                    

Let’s have a look at the SCA extracted at the station San Martino and it’s in situ measurements.

id Provider Name HN HS HN_after_qc HS_after_qc HS_after_gapfill Longitude Latitude Elevation snow_presence geometry cube_snow
12 2018-02-03 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 0.0 60.0 0.0 60.0 60.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 1 POLYGON ((11.17772 46.82285, 11.17771 46.82277... NaN
185 2018-03-10 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 0.0 42.0 0.0 42.0 42.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 1 POLYGON ((11.17772 46.82285, 11.17771 46.82277... NaN
25 2018-02-06 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 0.0 60.0 0.0 60.0 60.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 1 POLYGON ((11.17772 46.82285, 11.17771 46.82277... NaN
425 2018-04-27 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 0 POLYGON ((11.17772 46.82285, 11.17771 46.82277... NaN
235 2018-03-20 IT_BZ Plata_Osservatore 0.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 20.0 11.176968 46.822847 1130.0 1 POLYGON ((11.17772 46.82285, 11.17771 46.82277... 0.0

Display snow presence threshold in in-situ data for Plato Osservatore

catchment_stations_gpd_plata.plot(x="id", y="HS_after_gapfill",rot=45,kind="line",marker='o')
plt.axhline(y = 0.4, color = "r", linestyle = "-")

Validate the SCA results with the snow station measurements#

Now that we have combined the SCA results with the snow station measurements we can start the actual validation. A confusion matrix compares the classes of the station data to the classes of the SCA result. The numbers can be used to calculate the accuracy (correctly classified cases / all cases).









import seaborn as sns
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 6))

fig.suptitle("Error matrices for snow stations within our selected Catchment")
sns.heatmap(validation_metrics(smartino_snow)[1], annot=True, xticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], yticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title("San Martino in Passiria Osservatore")
ax1.set(xlabel="Predicted label", ylabel="True label")

sns.heatmap(validation_metrics(rifiano_snow)[1], annot=True, xticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], yticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], ax=ax2)
ax2.set_title("Rifiano Beobachter")
ax2.set(xlabel="Predicted label", ylabel="True label")

sns.heatmap(validation_metrics(plata_snow)[1], annot=True, xticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], yticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], ax=ax3)
ax3.set_title("Plata Osservatore")
ax3.set(xlabel="Predicted label", ylabel="True label")

sns.heatmap(validation_metrics(scena_snow)[1], annot=True, xticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], yticklabels=["No Snow", "Snow"], ax=ax4)
ax4.set_title("Scena Osservatore")
ax4.set(xlabel="Predicted label", ylabel="True label")


The accuracy of the snow estimate from the satellite image computation for each station is shown below:

On-site snow station


San Martino in Passiria Osservatore


Rifiano Beobachter


Plata Osservatore


San Leonardo in Passiria Osservatore


Scena Osservatore


The fifth and last station San Leonardo in Passiria Osservatore recorded NaNs for snow depths for our selected dates, which could potentially be as a results of malfunctioning on-site equipments. Hence, we are not able to verify for it. But overall, the validation shows a 100% accuracy for stations San Martino in Passiria Osservatore and Rifiano Beobachter, while station Plata Osservatore has a lot more False Positive (4) than the other stations.This shows a good match between estimated snow values from satellite datasets and on-the ground measurements of the presence of snow.

Compare to discharge data#

In addition to computing metrics for validating the data, we also check the plausibility of our results. We compare our results with another measure with a known relationship. In this case, we compare the snow cover area time series with the discharge time-series at the main outlet of the catchment. We suspect that after snow melting starts, with a temporal lag, the runoff will increase. Let’s see if this holds true.

Load the discharge data at Meran, the main outlet of the catchment. We have prepared this data set for you, it’s extracted from Eurac’s Environmental Data Platform Alpine Drought Observatory Discharge Hydrological Datasets).

discharge_ds = pd.read_csv('32_data/ADO_DSC_ITH1_0025.csv', 
                           sep=',', index_col='Time', parse_dates=True)
1994-01-01 01:00:00 4.03
1994-01-02 01:00:00 3.84
1994-01-03 01:00:00 3.74
1994-01-04 01:00:00 3.89
1994-01-05 01:00:00 3.80

Load the SCA time series we have generated in a previous exercise. It’s the time series of the aggregated snow cover area percentage for the whole catchment.

snow_perc_df = pd.read_csv("32_data/filtered_snow_perc.csv", 
                          sep=',', index_col='time', parse_dates=True)

Let’s plot the relationship between the snow covered area and the discharge in the catchment.

start_date = date(2018, 2, 1)
end_date = date(2018, 6, 30)
# filter discharge data to start and end dates
discharge_ds = discharge_ds.loc[start_date:end_date]

ax1 = discharge_ds.discharge_m3_s.plot(label='Discharge', xlabel='', ylabel='Discharge (m$^3$/s)')
ax2 = snow_perc_df["perc_snow"].plot(marker='o', secondary_y=True, label='SCA', xlabel='', ylabel='Snow cover area (%)')
ax1.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0.6))
ax2.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0.5))

The relationship looks as expected! Once the snow cover decreases the runoff increases!