Store model outputs on norStore

First make sure your run was successful and check all the necessary output files were generated.
To post-process and visualize your model outputs, it is VERY IMPORTANT you move them from Abel to norStore. Remember that all model outputs are generated in a semi-temporary directory and all your files will be removed after a few weeks!
If you haven't set-up your SSH keys, the next commands (ssh and rsync) will require you to enter your Unix password.
Make sure you define EXPNAME properly (it depends on your experiment):
On Abel:
# If you are running CO2 experiment (otherwise adjust: sea_ice, SST, rocky)
export EXPNAME=CO2
Then copy files from abel to norStore project area:
On Abel:
ssh 'mkdir -p /projects/NS1000K/GEF4530/outputs/$USER/runs'
ssh 'mkdir -p /projects/NS1000K/GEF4530/outputs/$USER/archive'

rsync -avz /work/users/$USER/f2000.T31T31.$EXPNAME $$USER/runs/.

rsync -avz /work/users/$USER/archive/f2000.T31T31.$EXPNAME $$USER/archive/.

Once the previous commands are successful, you are ready to post-process and visualize your data on

However, as your simulation is stored on the norStore project area, you can now archive your experiment on the norStore archive (long-term archive i.e. several years).