Introduce model experiments
You will work in pairs for this practical and you will analyze the model outputs in pairs.
First choose your teammate: you will have to work together to set-up and run your experiment so make sure one of you has access to abel.
List of experiments to choose:
Run the experiment for 14 months starting on 1st of January until 1st of March the following year. For this use the same restart file you used for the short experiment.
- EXPNAME=CO2:Quadrupling of CO2 (change CO2 value to 4x367 ppm = 1468 ppm > change the name list)
- EXPNAME=sea_ice: Melt of Arctic sea ice (set sea ice fraction to zero North of 30N > change the input data set)
- EXPNAME=SST: Super El Nino (add +8 K to tropical Central and East Pacific SST from 5S to 5N, 180W to 85W > change the input data set)
- EXPNAME=himalaya: Lowering of Himalaya Mountains (set surface Geopotential to 0 from 25N to 40N and 70E to 100E > change the input data set)