SST: how to update input dataset?

Copy SST file to your case directory:
On Abel:
cd ~/cesm_case/f2000.T31T31.$EXPNAME

cp /work/users/$USER/inputdata/atm/cam/sst/ .

To change SST (+8K), use nco utilities to edit values on the file.
We will use a function called ncap2 – (netCDF Arithmetic Averager) single line command below:

On Abel:

module load nco

ncap2 -O -s 'lat2d[lat,lon]=lat ; lon2d[lat,lon]=lon' -s 'omask=(lat2d >= -5.0 && lat2d <= 5.0) && (lon2d >=180.0 && lon2d <= 275.0)' -s 'SST_cpl=(SST_cpl + 8.0*omask)' sst_HadOIBl_bc_48x96_clim_$

Process env_run.xml to make namelist changes effective (create namelist files)
Copy changed SST data file to run directory
cp /work/users/$USER/f2000.T31T31.$EXPNAME/run/.

Before submitting your experiment, make sure you adjust the wall clock time! Now you are ready to submit your simulation:
On Abel:
cd ~/cesm_case/f2000.T31T31.$EXPNAME


Once your short simulation is done, check the outputs: were your changes taken into account? Do you get significant results?
If you are happy with your short run, you can setup your long run (14 months) experiment.