We do all the practicals on Abel.

GEF4530 Notur Initialization

Make sure you have set-up your SSH keys properly and you can transfer files with scp without entering your password. If not go here.

To run CAM-5.3 on abel, we will use: To be able to compile and run CESM on abel, no changes to the source code were necessary; we just had to adapt a few scripts for setting the compilers and libraries used by CESM.
To simplify and allow you to run CESM as quickly as possible, we have prepared a set-up script gef4530_notur.bash.

On Abel:
cd $HOME

git clone https://github.uio.no/annefou/GEF4530.git
cd $HOME/GEF4530/setup

The script above copies the source code in $HOME/cesm/cesm_1_2_2 and creates symbolic links for the input data necessary to run our model configuration in /work/users/$USER/inputdata. Input data can be large this is why we create symbolic links instead of making several copies (one per user). The main copy is located in /work/users/annefou/public/inputdata.

Create a New case

Now that you have the CESM source code in $HOME/cesm/cesm_1_2_2, you can have a first look at the code.

We will build and run CAM in its standalone configuration i.e. without all the other components.
The basic workflow to run the CESM code is the following:
To create a new case, we will be using create_newcase script. It is located in $HOME/cesm/cesm1_2_2/scripts.
There are many options and we won't discuss all of them. To get the full usage of create_newcase (On Abel):
./create_newcase --help

The 4 main arguments of create_newcase are explained on the figure below:

On Abel:
cd $HOME/cesm/cesm1_2_2/scripts

# Simulation 1: short simulation
module load cesm/1.2.2

./create_newcase -case ~/cesm_case/f2000.T31T31.test -res T31_T31 -compset F_2000_CAM5 -mach abel

Now you should have a new directory in $HOME/cesm_case/f2000.T31T31.test corresponding to our new case (On Abel):

cd ~/cesm_case/f2000.T31T31.test
Check the content of the directory and browse the sub-directories:

For this tests (and all our simulations), we do not wish to have a "cold" start and we will therefore restart and continue an existing simulation we have previously run.

On Abel:
./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=hybrid
./xmlchange RUN_REFCASE=f2000.T31T31.control
./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=0009-01-01
We use xmlchange, a small script to update variables (such as RUN_TYPE, RUN_REFCASE, etc.) defined in xml files. All the xml files contained in your test case directory will be used by cesm_setup to generate your configuration setup (Fortran namelist, etc.):

On Abel:
ls *.xml

To change the duration of our test simulation and set it to 1 month:
./xmlchange -file env_run.xml -id STOP_N -val 1
./xmlchange -file env_run.xml -id STOP_OPTION -val nmonths

Now we are ready to set-up our model configuration and build the cesm executable.

On Abel:


After building CESM for your configuration, a new directory (and a set of sub-directories) are created in /work/users/$USERS/f2000.T31T31.test:

Running a case

Namelists can be changed before configuring and building CESM but it can also be done before running your test case. Then, you cannot use xmlchange and update the xml files, you need to directly change the namelist files.
The default history file from CAM is a monthly average. We can change the output frequency with the namelist variable nhtfrq For instance to change the history file from monthly average to daily average, we set the namelist variable nhtfrq = -24. We also need to do the following changes (to copy restart files in your running directory, etc.):

On Abel:
To get daily average instead of monthly, we need to add one line to the CAM5 namelist (called user_nl_cam):
cat >> user_nl_cam << EOF
nhtfrq = -24
cat is a unix shell command to display the content of files or combine and create files. Using >> followed by a filename (here user_nl_cam) means we wish to concatenate information to a file. If it does not exist, it is automatically created. Using << followed by a string (here EOF) means that the content we wish to concatenate is not in a file but written after EOF until another EOF is found.
Now, we do the same but for the cice namelist called user_nl_cice:
On Abel:
cat >> user_nl_cice << EOF
grid_file = '/work/users/$USER/inputdata/share/domains/domain.ocn.48x96_gx3v7_100114.nc'
kmt_file = '/work/users/$USER/inputdata/share/domains/domain.ocn.48x96_gx3v7_100114.nc'

Finally, we copy the control restart files (contains the state of the model at a given time so we can restart it). The files are stored on norStore; they were generated from a previous simulations where we have run the model for several years):
On Abel:
scp login3.norstore.uio.no:/projects/NS1000K/GEF4530/outputs/runs/f2000.T31T31.control/run/f2000.T31T31.control.*.0009-01-01-00000.nc  /work/users/$USER/f2000.T31T31.test/run/.
scp login3.norstore.uio.no:/projects/NS1000K/GEF4530/outputs/runs/f2000.T31T31.control/run/rpointer.* /work/users/$USER/f2000.T31T31.test/run/.

Now we wish to run our model and as it may run for several days, we need to use the batch scheduler (SLURM) from abel. Its role is to dispatch jobs to be run on the cluster. It reads information given in your job command file (named here f2000.T31T31.test.run). This file contains information on the number of processors to use (ntasks), the amount of memory per processor (mem-per-cpu) and the maximum amount of time you wish to allow for your job (time).
Check what is in your current job command file (f2000.T31T31.test.run):
#SBATCH --job-name=f2000.T31T31.test
#SBATCH --time=08:59:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=32
#SBATCH --account=nn1000k
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --output=slurm.out

The lines starting with #SBATCH are not comments but SLURM directives.
You can submit your test case to abel:

Monitor your test run

The script "f2000.T31T31.test.submit" submits a job to the job scheduler on abel. More information can be found here.
Full list of available commands and their usage can be found here.