Programming models for HPC
Fortran is a very much used to solve large scientific problems. When your problem becomes "large", the computational time increases very quickly and
it is often necessary to parallelize your application (divide your big problems in many smaller problems that can be run in parallel).
Serial computing
- Single processing unit (core) is used for solving a problem
- One task processed at a time
Parallel computing
- Multiple cores are used for solving a problem
- Problem is split into smaller subtasks
- Multiple subtasks are processed simultaneously
Parallel computing allows to solve problems faster, to solve bigger problems and to solve problems better (better resolution, etc.).
There are several standards such as:
Message Passing Interface is a standardized and portable library to function
on a wide variety of parallel computers (distributed memory). It is not specific to Fortran and is very much used.
! MPI example (Distributed memory)
! module load openmpi-x86_64
! mpif90 hello_mpi.f90 -o hello_mpi
! To execute it:
! mpirun -np 4 ./hello_mpi
program hello_mpi
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
integer :: rank, size, ierror, tag
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
call MPI_INIT(ierror)
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size, ierror)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierror)
print*, 'node', rank, ': Hello world'
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror)
end program hello_mpi
OpenMP is an Application Program Interface (API) to execute a set of instructions (very often loops)
in parallel (shared memory)
program hello_parallel
use OMP_LIB ! Fortran library for parallel OpenMP execution
implicit none
integer :: nprocs,myproc
write(*,*)'ID: ', myproc, 'hello world'
if (myproc == 0) write(*,*) 'There are ', nprocs, ' for this program'
end program hello_parallel
What is a coarray?
In May 2005 ISO Fortran Committee decided to include co-arrays as a Fortran Standard.
Co-array official website,, introduces co-array as:
"Co-array Fortran is a small extension to Fortran 95. It is a simple, explicit notation for data decomposition,
such as that often used in message-passing models, expressed in a natural Fortran-like syntax.
The syntax is architecture-independent and may be implemented not only on distributed memory machines
but also on shared memory machines and even on clustered machines."
Coarrays are implemented on CRAY machines (cray compilers), because they were invented by CRAY (a long time ago, as an extension of Fortran and
before being called coarrays).
Coarrays adds parallel processing as part of Fortran language. The advantage is that only small changes are required to convert
existing Fortran code to support a robust and potentially efficient parallelism.
- Upon startup a coarrays program gets replicated into a number of copies called images (i.e. processes).
- The number of images is
usually decided at the execution time
- Each “replica” (image) runs asynchronously in a loosely/non-coupled way until program controlled synchronization
- Image’s (local) data are visible within the image only – except for data declared as special arrays i.e. coarrays
- One-sided data communication enables movement of coarray data across different images of a program
program hello_world
implicit none
write(*,*) 'Hello world from ', &
this_image() , 'of', num_images()
end program hello_world
- num_images() returns the number of images in use for this run (usually set outside the program, by the environment)
- this_image() returns the image number in concern – numbered from 1 to num_images()
- This program is a trivially parallel i.e. each image does not explicitly share any data and runs seemingly independently
An new data structure, coarrays, become meaningful in parallel programming context, when their data are remotely
accessible by its images.
The Fortran syntax for coarrays for Fortran arrays or scalars, for example :
integer, codimension[*] :: scalar
integer :: scalar[*]
real, dimension(64), codimension[*] :: vector
real :: vector(64)[*]
It declares a scalar with a local instance on every image and a vector with 64 elements on every image.
The square brackets [*] denote allocation of special coarrays over allocated images (decided upon program startup).
Fortran 2008 coarrays are meant to give a more intuitive way for running Fortran codes on massively parallel machines.
As for Fortran 2003 features, very few compilers implement coarrays yet.