What is object-oriented programming?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) describes an approach to programming where a program is viewed as a collection of interacting, but mostly independent software components. These software components are known as objects and they are typically implemented in a programming language as an entity that encapsulates both data and procedures.
A very simple one page course is available here. It explains from a simple example the following concepts:
For this lesson, we start from our pgmImage derived type and explain how to change it to a Fortran 2003 Object-oriented data structure (class). Then on this example we explain what we mean by abstraction, encapsulation, hierarchy and inheritance.


If we go back to one of our first lesson, we defined a pgmImage as being a simple 2D array. Then we wrote two subroutines to read a pgmImage because we have pgm images written and stored as ASCII files (text files) and pgm images written and stored as binary files. One significant commonality between PGMA and PGMB is that images are both PGM images and the "only" difference is when the image is read or written. Other processing on the image is identical. This is what we call abstraction: finding the significant commonalities and ignore trivial differences.


What we have seen with derived types is closed to OOP in the sense that variables of a derived-type were all grouped together inside the created derived type (as they belong to the same entity):
TYPE pgmImage
    CHARACTER(LEN=2)                          :: magics
    CHARACTER(LEN=255)                        :: createdby
    INTEGER                                   :: nx
    INTEGER                                   :: ny
    INTEGER, POINTER                          :: A(:, :)
END  TYPE pgmImage
All the subroutines and functions we could use for this new derived-type were included in our module pgm_library
MODULE pgm_library
  TYPE pgmImage
    CHARACTER(LEN=2)                          :: magics
    CHARACTER(LEN=255)                        :: createdby
    INTEGER                                   :: nx
    INTEGER                                   :: ny
    INTEGER, POINTER                          :: A(:, :)  ! I could use ALLOCATABLE too
	                                                      ! It is Fortran 95 and not Fortran 90
  END  TYPE pgmImage

 SUBROUTINE read_pgm(filename,img)
   character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: filename  ! intent is IN because filename 
                                             ! is not modified in the subroutine
	TYPE(pgmImage), intent(out)              :: img
END MODULE pgm_library
However, these subroutines/functions are not part of the derived-type itself and the advantage of writing them in the same module (with the derived-type) is for readability. With an Object-oriented approach, we will give more information to users (programmers using your new derived-type), telling them which subroutines/functions can be applied (i.e. making sense) to this new derived-type:
MODULE pgm_library
  TYPE pgmImage
    CHARACTER(LEN=2)                          :: magics
    CHARACTER(LEN=255)                        :: createdby
    INTEGER                                   :: nx
    INTEGER                                   :: ny
    INTEGER, POINTER                          :: A(:, :)  ! I could use ALLOCATABLE too
	                                                      ! It is Fortran 95 and not Fortran 90
	CONTAINS     ! this contains is used to list the subroutines/functions attached to this data type													  
        PROCEDURE     :: read => read_pgm    ! needs to have an "official" name (read) and an alias (read_pgm)
		PROCEDURE     :: free => free_pgm          
  END  TYPE pgmImage

 SUBROUTINE read_pgm(filename,img)
   character(LEN=*), intent(IN)    :: filename  ! intent is IN because filename 
                                                ! is not modified in the subroutine
	CLASS(pgmImage), intent(inout) :: img       ! we need to use CLASS instead of TYPE and CANNOT have INTENT(OUT)
END MODULE pgm_library
And the main program would be:
program matrix_main
  USE pgm_library
  implicit none

! create a new object image of type pgmImage
 type(pgmImage) :: image
 call image%read("../../data/moon.pgm")     ! call read and not read_pgm
                                            ! I do not need to pass image as an argument as
											! read is "belong" to image and is applied to "itself"
 call image%free()                          ! free is called to deallocate dynamic arrays, etc.
end program matrix_main

Hierarchy and inheritance

The CLASS keyword allows F2003 programmers to create polymorphic variables. Polymorphism is a term used in software development to describe a variety of techniques employed by programmers to create flexible and reusable software components.
In programming languages, a polymorphic object is an entity, such as a variable or a procedure, that can hold or operate on values of differing types during the program's execution. Because a polymorphic object can operate on a variety of values and types, it can also be used in a variety of programs, sometimes with little or no change by the programmer. The idea of write once, run many, also known as code reusability, is an important characteristic to the programming paradigm known as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
A polymorphic variable is a variable whose data type is dynamic at runtime. It must be a pointer variable, allocatable variable, or a dummy argument. Below are some examples of polymorphic variables:
subroutine init(image)
class(pgmImage) :: image              ! polymorphic dummy argument
class(pgmImage), pointer :: p      ! polymorphic pointer variable
class(pgmImage), allocatable:: als ! polymorphic allocatable variable
end subroutine
In the example above, the image, p, and als polymorphic variables can each hold values of type pgmImage or any type extension of pgmImage. The image dummy argument receives its type and value from the actual argument image of subroutine init().
The polymorphic pointer variable p above can point to an object of type pgmImage or any of its extensions.

For example,

MODULE matrix_mod
  !// Make everything not specified as public invisible from outside the
  !// module
  !// Declare a  type called matrix
  TYPE, PUBLIC                                :: matrix
    !// Internal variables for this type
    INTEGER                                   :: nx = 0
    INTEGER                                   :: ny = 0
    INTEGER, POINTER                          :: A(:, :) => null()
    !// the procedures to load data, to write data to the screen,
    !// to clear the contents of an object and to copy data from one object
    !// to another
    PROCEDURE                                 :: load => load_data
    PROCEDURE                                 :: dump => dump_data
    PROCEDURE                                 :: clear => clear_data
    PROCEDURE                                 :: copy => copy_data
  END TYPE matrix

  !// A child object based on the parent object maps containing a 2D matrix
  !// of integer values to hold an pgmImage map
  TYPE, PUBLIC, EXTENDS(matrix)               :: pgmImage
     character(len=2)                         :: magics = 'P2'
     character(len=255)                       :: createdby = 'NONE'
     integer                                  :: maxgray = 0
  END TYPE pgmImage


  !// A common subroutine for all the object types to load data from a file into the object
  SUBROUTINE load_data(this, filename)
    !// A polymorphic object
    CLASS(matrix)                            :: this
    character(len=255), intent(in)           :: filename
    !// Index and status variable
    INTEGER                                  :: i, res

    !// Find out what kind of object this is
    SELECT TYPE(this)
      !// Is it a pgmImage object
      CLASS IS (pgmImage)
        !// Yes, call the corresponding procedure
        CALL load_pgmImage(this, filename)
        call load_matrix(this, filename)

  END SUBROUTINE load_data

  SUBROUTINE load_matrix(this, filename)
    !// A polymorphic object
    CLASS(matrix)                           :: this
    character(len=255), intent(in)          :: filename
    !// File unit number
    INTEGER                                  :: lun=10
    OPEN(UNIT=lun, file= filename)
    read(lun,*) this%nx, this%ny
    allocate(this%A(this%nx, this%ny))
    read(lun,*) this%A
  END SUBROUTINE load_matrix

  SUBROUTINE load_pgmImage(this, filename)
    !// A polymorphic object
    CLASS(pgmImage)                         :: this
    character(len=255), intent(in)          :: filename
    !// File unit number
    INTEGER                                  :: lun=10
    OPEN(UNIT=lun, file= filename)
    read(lun,*) this%magics
    read(lun,*) this%createdby
    read(lun,*) this%nx, this%ny
    read(lun,*) this%maxgray
    allocate(this%A(this%nx, this%ny))
    read(lun,*) this%A
  END SUBROUTINE load_pgmImage

  SUBROUTINE dump_data(this)
    !// A polymorphic object
    CLASS(matrix)                              :: this
    !// Find out what kind of object this is
    SELECT TYPE(this)
      !// Is it an pgmImage object
      CLASS IS (pgmImage)
        !// Yes, write the header and integer values from the array to the screen
        write(*,'(a2)') this%magics 
        write(*,'("# Created by dump_data")')
        write(*,*) this%nx, this%ny
        write(*,*) this%maxgray
        write(*,*) this%A
        !// Yes, write the header and integer values from the array to the screen
        write(*,*) this%nx, this%ny
        write(*,*) this%A
  END SUBROUTINE dump_data

  SUBROUTINE clear_data(this)
    !// A polymorphic object
    CLASS(matrix)                           :: this
    !// Clear the header variables
    this%nx = 0
    this%ny = 0
!nothing specific here...
  END SUBROUTINE clear_data

  FUNCTION copy_data(this) RESULT(that)
    CLASS(matrix)                        :: this
    CLASS(*), POINTER                        :: that
    CLASS(pgmImage), POINTER                 :: eptr
    SELECT TYPE(this)
      CLASS IS (pgmImage)
        eptr%magics = this%magics
        eptr%createdby = this%createdby
        eptr%maxgray = this%maxgray
        eptr%nx = this%nx
        eptr%ny = this%ny
        eptr%A(:,:) = this%A(:,:)
        that => eptr
        eptr%nx = this%nx
        eptr%ny = this%ny
        eptr%A(:,:) = this%A(:,:)
        that => eptr
  END FUNCTION copy_data

END MODULE matrix_mod
And the main program could be:
program matrix_main
  use matrix_mod
  implicit none
! create one new object image
 type(matrix),pointer     :: m
 type(pgmImage),pointer   :: image

 !// Holding the number of command line arguments
  INTEGER                                          :: argc
  character(len=255)                               :: filename
  character(len=255)                               :: typeOfImage


  if (argc == 2) THEN
    call get_command_argument(1,filename)
    call get_command_argument(2,typeOfImage)
    SELECT CASE(typeOfImage)
      image = pgmImage()
      call image%load(filename)
      call image%dump()
      m = matrix()
      call m%load(filename)
      call m%dump()
    write(*,*) 'A filename is needed!'
end program matrix_main